Monday, January 12, 2015

Outside In - FICTION

Lynn’s life is full — choir practice, school, shopping for the perfect jeans, and dealing with her free-spirited mother. Then one day her life is saved by a mysterious girl named Blossom, who introduces Lynn to her own world and family — both more bizarre, yet somehow more sane, than Lynn’s own.

Blossom’s family is a small band of outcasts and eccentrics who live secretly in an ingenious bunker beneath a city reservoir. The Underlanders forage and trade for the things they need (“Is it useful or lovely?”), living off the things “Citizens” throw away. Lynn is enchanted and amazed. But when she inadvertently reveals their secret, she is forced to take measure of her own motives and lifestyle, as she figures out what it really means to be a family, and a friend.
Classic Sarah Ellis, this novel is smart, rich, engaging and insightful.


  1. Ruth 7B
    Outside in was an amazing book. I could not put this book down. My favorite character of the entire book was Blossom. I loved the way that the Underlanders live and the toilet paper roll crafts that they sold at market. I would most definitely say that this book has changed my thoughts about what I buy and what I throw away. This book was full of very good lessons. I find that when Lynn is in a tough situation I felt as though I was there as well. This book was really well illustrated and for all those reasons I give this book a 8.5/10

  2. Crystal 8F

    I have very mixed feelings about this book. For the most part, it was a pretty good book, but there were some parts that were confusing (i.e. the skimming). I don't really have a favourite character, because I like Fossick, Blossom and Larch. I like their neat way of thinking, how they recycle and reuse things that people throw out. It makes us really think how much we have and how much we could be doing if the world wasn't so materialistic. I also like how Fossick lives by “The game's not worth the candle”, the game representing a life and how we work, buy things, but in the end we just throw it away. The candle burning is our soul. Most of the book was well illustrated, but there were some problems. I didn’t really like Lynn or any of her friends. But, I did like how Lynn was a strong and independent female character. Lynn's friends were typical teenagers, but they were static, as if they were recycled cliches. Also, I didn't really understand why Lynn yells at Shakti so much. Though Shakti is a trainwreck, Lynn shouldn't be yelling at her mother, who's just trying to help. But, yes Shakti isn't the greatest mom and she's one of the reasons Lynn and the Underlanders break apart. I found it heartbreaking that the Underlanders disappeared from Arcadia, after everything. But in the end, when Blossom and Lynn become friends again, I was really happy. Though I found many faults in the book, it was pretty good and for some reason I didn't put it down. I'd rate this book a 7/10

  3. Liam 7B

    I thought that outside in was a very interesting book. It was enjoyablel to watch how the underlanders do things. From living off of things they find on the street, to jumping off buildings in a homemade parachute, the underlanders have an interesting way of living their lives. The characters were well written with the exception of Lynn's friends and Shakti, really made me mad. This book really makes you look at things you take for granted in a different way. I'd give this book a 7/10

  4. Lucas 7A
    Outside in was a neat book because it really got me thinking. For the most part I liked the main characters (Lynn, Blossom, Larch, Tron and Fossick) but I really didn’t like Shakti and Lynn’s friends. While reading this book, I thought a lot about taking things for granted. In the book the author explains how the underlanders didn’t waste things and they how they would find different uses for normal items (toilet paper roll art) and I also liked Fossick’s moto when finding things: Is it useful or lovely? This reminded me of early Natives because they wouldn’t waste any part of an animal that they killed. My favourite character would have to be Blossom because she really looked up to Fossick and she was very caring towards Larch. Not to mention that she was always kind to Lynn even after she told Shakti about the underlanders. I didn’t really think that it was necessary to go very in depth describing the choir trip but I understand that it meant a lot to Lynn. I would rate this book a 7/10 because it had some parts that were good but it included some confusing parts and some unnecessary details.
