Monday, January 12, 2015

Zomboy - FICTION

From the imagination of one of Canada’s funniest writers for young readers comes the story of a creepy young zombie named Imre Lazar, who, in spite of a few special challenges, is integrated into a regular classroom at Dresden Public School in Ontario. No one is less sure about the school board’s decision than narrator Bob, but his fearless best friend, Evil-O, is Imre’s greatest defender. Clashes and heroics ensue as the community’s tolerance for difference—and Bob’s tolerance for an undead rival—are pushed to the limit in this hilarious, exciting and surprisingly touching novel.


  1. Ruth 7B
    I would rate this book a 8/10 for the following reasons:
    I found this book very interesting. At the beginning I was thinking that the book was a great book and I thought that it was nice that Evil-O was standing up for Imre. By the end I found that it became a little bit gorier than I would like. My favourite part was probably when they decided to make a movie of Imre because he was so famous or when he lost his hand while saving the ball in the football game or when Imre saved Bob from the dog. I could not help but think about whether or not Imre and his sister were OK and what happened to them after they left.

  2. Liam 7B
    I would give this book a 7/10 out of 10.
    The book was a creative story idea. I think it was an interesting attempt to convey the idea of racism to an audience that has never experienced it. The main section of the book seemed like a parallel to the first black person to go to an all white school, Ruby Bridges. Like how all the protesters were protesting about Imre going to school. He, like Ruby, just wanted a decent education. Also, I thought it was cool how Evil-O was a girl. The sort of daredevil character Evil-O was, is usually a male character. Zomboy was also a very gripping read. However, I didn't like how Richard Scrimger added the whole 'secret government project' part to the story. It would also have been way more interesting if he had stuck with the story of Imre going to school, instead of adding zombie attacks.

    1. Liam 7B
      7/10 was too low, I'd like to change my rating to 8/10.


  3. Lucas 7A
    I would give this book a 8/10 because it was interesting but it wasn't paced very well. For example, at one point the author would write about something big and interesting like Imre picking up a bus and then there would be a period where not much happened. I did find the parts about Imre's zombie qualities like super strength and limbs that randomly fall off fun to read, and I liked how the author only revealed small bits about Imre’s sister Kato throughout the book to keep the readers in suspense. The author also included some humour in the book which just made the characters more fun to read about. While I was reading this book, I couldn't really feel the characters emotions until the end. When Bob and Evil-O are looking around the house and they see people that have been attacked by Kato, I could really tell what was going on, and when they were being chased by Kato my heart was racing. Overall, this was a different kind of book to me but for the most part it was fun to read.
