Monday, January 12, 2015


How to Add Your Comments

Once you have read a book, use this blog to comment on the book!
Rules to Follow:

1. All bloggers must follow UGDSB's "Acceptable Use of Digital Technologies".

2. Identify yourself by first name and school only (e.g.,Beth 7X).

3. All blog comments must be on topic and respectful. To be accepted your blog comment must include: 

a) Your rating of the book (1-10) 

b) An explanation of your rating.  (e.g., Why did you give the book a 9/10 - what did you love? What could have made the book even better)

 It must be clear to all other bloggers that you've read the book so please use specific details about the books.  It's not ok to say something vague like: "I like the main character, he makes good decisions".  What is his name? What types of good decisions did he make? Be specific and provide details.  

Feel free to converse with other bloggers about the books - you can comment more than once!!

4. Have fun :)

NOTE: All blog submissions are moderated by Ms. McEwen prior to posting (this means they are emailed to Ms. McEwen and comments she accepts get posted to the blog).

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